Where are they
Can you help us find these classmates?  Do you have their phone number, mailing address, or e-mail address, or know a relative of the classmate?  Please let us know by clicking on the "Contact Us" tab on the left side and give us the information.  Thanks for your help!!  We will update this page as we receive information about any classmates listed below. 

Last updated - 3-3-2020
Last known married name is listed for the gals:

Ellen (Ball) Cobb
Jim Berry
Betty (Cantril) Shepherd
James Harris
Delores Jean Herrin
Luther Martin
Barbara (McBeth) McElhaney
Isabelle (Martinez) Pino
Thomas Mercer
Solomon Valencia
Keith Watkins
There are several others that were with us in our Sophmore and Junior Class that it would be nice to include for our reunions.  Look at your annuals and see if you can remember anything about them or their families and make contact with them.